Tips for writing a H2020-MSCA-IF proposal
TAXON-TIME was twice submitted to the H2020-MSCA-IF call. On the first submission, the project missed less than one point.
Below we compare what was “almost enough” with what was “good enough”. We focus on the Sections “Impact” and “Implementation” because these are the sections that the scores increased from the first to the second submission.
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Tips for writing a H2020-MSCA-IF proposal
TAXON-TIME was twice submitted to the H2020-MSCA-IF call. On the first submission, the project missed less than one point.
Below we compare what was “almost enough” with what was “good enough”. We focus on the Sections “Impact” and “Implementation” because these are the sections that the scores increased from the first to the second submission.
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2.2 Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the action results
YEAR 1 – Rejected
Results will be communicated during the entire course of TAXON-TIME . Priority will be given to exploit and disseminate scientific results, giving full access to the database generated (Table 3). This database will be stored in public repositories such as Zenodo, and will also be available for download at the website of the MNCN (Spain). The target audience of both phases will be the general public, policy makers, donors and young and senior researchers”.
Table 3. Measures to communicate the results of TAXON TIME.
YEAR 2 – Approved
A rigid dissemination plan will be implemented to ensure TAXON-TIME firmly reaches its intended audience, including scientists, biodiversity data experts, but also policy makers and potential funding agencies (Table 3). The dissemination of data is formalised under the Data Management Plan (D1). Although the results of TAXON-TIME have relevance for policy makers (WP2), they do net lend themselves for direct use in legislative activities. The dissemination plan will be subject to a periodic review during the entire course of the project (Table 5).
Headings of Table 3. Dissemination plan for the results of TAXON-TIME.
Protium heptaphyllum
Plantas von martius
2.3. Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the action activities to different target audiences
YEAR 1 – Rejected
In line with the guidelines “Communicating EU research and innovation guidance for project participants” participants”, in Table 4 we outline the activities that will be carried out to maximize the impact of TAXON-TIME.
Table 4. Measures to communicate activities of TAXON TIME.
Evaluation Report
“Relevant target audiences, such as the local stakeholders in studied tropical regions, are not adequately discussed in the dissemination Strategy”.
YEAR 2 – Approved
“Consistent with the dissemination of results, the research activities of TAXON-TIME will be communicated to a wider audience through a rigid communication plan. Addressees of this plan include the lay public interested in Natural History Collections, scientific events and gender balance in research (Table 4). Project activities will be communicated during the entire course of TAXON-TIME (Table 5)”.
Headings of Table 4. Communication plan for the activities of TAXON-TIME
Evaluation Report
-The proposed measures to disseminate the project results are clearly presented and described; these will increase the visibility of the project and researcher. The research findings will effectively reach a broad range of pertinent target groups including the scientific community and policy-makers.
-“The planned communication routes and activities that are aimed at reaching different audiences are impressive and include an ambitious plan for engaging the general public.”
– Details on potential exploitation of the project results are incomplete.
Changes in the Gantt Chart from year one to year 2 helped to increase the score on the section “Implementation” from to 4.4 to 5.0. Here is a screenshot of both Gantt Charts. Main additions to the second Gantt chart were: frequency of progress monitoring and risk assessment meetings, names of project members who will take part in each activity and time (in person-per-month) that each project member will dedicate to the project”.
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Protium heptaphyllum
3.2 Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures, including risk management
YEAR 1 – Rejected
… “Care is taken that the work planning and resources mobilized ensure that the resource and training objectives of TAXON TIME are met. The work grounds in the establishment of data bases in WP1. The availability of data has been verified to ensure WP 1 cannot create dead locks for the research on all subsequent WPs . Moreover, allocation of sufficient time to complete WP1. The sequence of milestones and deliverables ensures the early identification of challenges that are resolved through regular meetings with Scientist-in-Charge and with the Project Advisory Committee.”
YEAR 2 – Approved
ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE: TAXON-TIME will be subject to a rigid administrative implementation at MNCN-CSIC, managed according to the ‘Project Cycle management Guidelines’ for EU-funded projects. The preparation of a detailed project budget will ensure planned research is economically viable and expenditures traceable. Finances will be supervised by MNCN-CSIC’s administration, with proven experience in managing MSCA grants. A project account will be created and managed as specified in the contract signed with the EU. The ER will be hired by MNCN-CSIC at an appropriate grade and will work under direct supervision of the Scientist-in-Charge.
Evaluation Report
– Details of the work plan are coherent and effective; impressive attention has been paid to these and to the description of the allocated tasks.
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+352 621 792 551
Collaborate in research
If you are interested in this research and would like to write a Master or PhD thesis on a topic relate to the TAXON-TIME project, please contact Juliana Stropp. She would be happy to discuss how TAXON-TIME can support your work.
PHOTOS: Peter van der Sleen: Amazonia / Grégoire du Bois: Africa
LOGOTYPE: Luiz Flavio Giannotti